A friend of mine just bought a Yaris, recently, and shared the experience with me a couple of days ago.
He was driving on a small local highway, and there it was, on the side of the road. When he spoke with the seller they were just trying to get rid of the car as quick and painlessly as possible on behalf of someone else. With barely any negotiating, the seller slashed $1k off of the original asking price. Just like that, my friend had a car.
Another friend had a rich uncle who paid for a brand new car in cash upfront as an interest-free loan.
Someone’s parents bought if for them…someone got it priced super low because the previous driver claimed a malfunction which was probably attributable to mis-handling…someone saved up for years to pay for it upfront. And someone else never bought one – just never fit into the big picture of their life…maybe.
My story will never be identical to someone else’s story, because we’re all such different people. The temptation is, sometimes, to look at someone else’s life and wish ours were just like theirs. Maybe a car fits the big picture of your life, maybe it’s even a necessity. But the process of acquisition will be different for everyone. And why not, given that God’s care for us is so tailor-made.
He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, because His relationship with each of them was unique. If He is to be your God, let Him direct your life in a manner unique to you. This quote sums it up:
“The relations between God and each soul are as distinct and full as though there were not another soul upon the earth to share His watchcare, not another soul for whom He gave His beloved Son.”
{Steps to Christ p100}